I’ve been going through my ufos (un-finished objects). I found this quilt top I pieced a couple years ago. Poor thing has been sitting in a box on my top shelf. So I blew off the dust and unpacked it.  I’m determinded to finish it and bring it back to life.


The colors are great, but to make it more appealing, I’ve decided to add a boarder using white fabric with embroidered flowers.  I love doing hand embroidery! Thankfully, I kept the extra fabric in the box, so I was able to use coordinating fabrics.  So far, so good…


I can’t wait to show you the finished project, especially since the last photo is kinda fuzzy.  I’m hoping to have it ready to quilt by the end of the weekend.  Quilting is my favorite part, so yippee!


What quilting goals do you have for the following week?  Do you have any nagging ufos on your shelf? Post your goals below and we can hold each other accountable.

Artfully sewing,

Angela Jean

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